● AVT-Korporacja

● RDN Roberd D. Niehaus

● "Beauty of Amber" by Gabriela Gierłowska  www.ambericawest.com/book10.html “Both the writing and the photography are really very good.” (review from the ambericawest website)

● "Amber in Therapeutics" by Gabriela Gierłowska  http://www.ambericawest.com/book9.html “Easy to read and by far the most informative guide to amber therapeutics that I have ever seen - it also happens to be the only one!” (review from the ambericawest website)

● "Guide to Amber Imitations" by Gabriela Gierłowska  http://www.ambericawest.com/book8.html, “Easy to read and by far the most informative guide to amber imitations that I have ever seen. For the experienced and the inexperienced amber enthusiast, this is a must have!” (review from the ambericawest website)

● "On Old Amber Collections and the Gdansk Lizard" by Gabriela Gierłowska  www.ambericawest.com/book16.html “What a treat!” (review from the ambericawest website)



● Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals:

● Kamiliańska Misja Pomocy Społecznej:

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